Moxibustion Treatment Procedure
- The Process
- Duration
- Sensation
- Side Effects
The Process
The practitioner lights the cone and lets it burn slowly. Once you begin to feel heat, the practitioner removes it. Moxa can also be placed on the acupuncture needle and ignited. It burns on the needle until it’s extinguished. The heat travels through the needle to the acupuncture point.
Moxibustion is administered for up to 30 minutes in a single session, and is often combined with acupuncture or cupping treatments.
Patients receiving moxibustion often report a sudden flooding of warmth that quickly radiates along a specific pathway (usually corresponding with the jing luo channel that is being treated) away from the site of application. This is a good result, as it indicates the arrival of the Qi and signals that the flow of Qi and xue has been freed in the channel.
Side Effects
While moxibustion has been proven to be a safe treatment by years and years of Chinese medicine, it is not advisable for everyone and should only be used for its known purposes. Since moxibustion normally treats those who are afflicted with cold or stagnant conditions, people with too much heat should not use it. Also, due to the smoke produced from burning moxa, patients with lung problems should be advised by the practitioner.