Acupuncture has amazed many people in the Western world, but it can sometimes seem confusing: how can tiny needles work so well and treat patients in a way a professionally trained physiotherapist can’t? Dr. Kathy Feng, Qi Herbs and Acupuncture Treatment Center owner and Registered Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist Practitioner, will share her insight on the mechanisms of Traditional Chinese Medicine by answering common questions asked by patients.
What illnesses benefit most from acupuncture?
Acupuncture is very effective in treating body pain, such as:
What are the causes of pain in terms of TCM?
In TCM, we believe that the combination of the external environment and the body’s internal environment are combined, causing cold, heat or dampness. These are indicators of body pain, no matter what its original cause may be, according to TCM.
How does TCM diagnose pain?
In the master book “Treaties on Cold Damage Disease ” written by Zhongjing Zhang 2000 years ago, Zhang explains that body pain is triggered by several complications. The following methods are used to diagnose illnesses in TCM:
In our clinic, for most cases, we use Six Channel differentiation, because we witnessed a higher success rate from this diagnosis method. There are numerous symptoms that can help us tell identify the pain:
The Yin and Yangs mentioned in these three battles is the most essential concept of TCM: everything contains the Yin and the Yang. The warship between body vital energy and exogenous intruder has a Yin and Yang aspect to it. Yang represents the manifestation of symptoms which are more related to heat, movement, tightness, and activity. Yin is the opposite figure. The three levels and Yin-Yang, build up our “Six Channel Differentiation”, the underlying rationale of diagnosis in TCM with the most effectiveness.
Why is acupuncture a very effective treatment for body pain?
Acupuncture is the method that regulates the human body’s meridians and channels for the qi flow. Compared to internal organs, meridians and channels belong to the external body. No matter the origins of the pain, TCM says that all types of pain are due to an external factor. Thus, acupuncture is the perfect method to treat common pain.
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Toronto
901 Yonge Street, Unit 202
Toronto ON M4W 2H2
416 968 7755
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Markham
8339 Kennedy Rd, Unit 2629
Markham ON L3R 1J5
647 388 6232