Acupuncture is a natural Chinese medicine remedy known to aid anxiety and lessen symptoms.
The procedure of acupuncture involves inserting fine, solid, metallic needles into the skin, which are subsequently stimulated either by electrical stimulation or by the practitioner’s hands making small, precise motions. Most people report very little pain at the insertion of needles.
The conventional form of Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture. The more than 2,000 acupuncture sites on the human body, according to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, are connected by meridians or channels. The energy flow created by these routes is what gives the body its general health. Disease can result from an interruption in the energy flow. It is believed that by doing acupuncture on specific spots, one may enhance Qi flow and hence one’s health.
Acupuncture is useful for treating a number of illnesses, notably anxiety.
Acupuncture for anxiety works by:
Treatment with acupuncture aids in bringing the body back to a calm state where the sympathetic nervous system is more balanced and less in charge.
The majority of people who experience anxiety react to acupuncture fast and find it to be a highly useful therapy option. Your individual constitution, medical history, the intensity and frequency of your anxiety, and how fast your body responds to the acupuncture therapy will all influence how many acupuncture sessions you need.
For anxiety concerns, we typically advise one to two weekly acupuncture sessions. The length of therapy depends on the severity of the anxiety, your lifestyle choices, and your ability to limit exposure to stressors that could be aggravating your condition.
Anxiety is a crippling disorder that can seriously interfere with a person’s life, making it difficult for them to carry out routine duties and socialise with others. Anxiety is believed to be triggered by long-term stress, trauma, life demands like job or economics, and hormone abnormalities.
Acupuncture is a useful treatment option for anxiety since it helps to lower stress levels, balance hormones, and regulate the area of the brain that is in charge of controlling certain emotions and behavioural features.
Give us a call today to learn more about how acupuncture can help lessen the symptoms of anxiety and book an upcoming session.
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Toronto
901 Yonge Street, Unit 202
Toronto ON M4W 2H2
416 968 7755
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Markham
8339 Kennedy Rd, Unit 2629
Markham ON L3R 1J5
647 388 6232