Why have acupuncture during IVF?
Acupuncture has become a frequently used treatment prior to and during in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Women hope it will increase their chances of having a baby, but also provide support with reducing stress, and feeling relaxed and well while undergoing treatment.
When should I start acupuncture treatment?
Women are often advised to start acupuncture 3 months before they start treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, starting acupuncture along with your doctor’s recommended fertility therapy may still be beneficial.
What if my IVF cycle is less than two months away? Or what if I have already started ovarian stimulation?
Acupuncture can help at any stage of the process. Effect on egg quality is more pronounced the sooner treatment is started, but women can still benefit when treatment is started later. For example, in research, even women who received acupuncture only immediately before and after embryo transfer had better outcomes than women who didn’t receive acupuncture at this time¹. That said, the sooner treatment is started, generally the greater the effects of treatment. In fact, research conducted jointly by a fertility doctor and acupuncturist showed that women had the best pregnancy outcomes when they received at least eight acupuncture treatments prior to IVF².
After I conceive, do I need acupuncture again?
We highly recommend that you continue treatment to "hold and stabilize the fetus." There are many safe acupuncture points that are used during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage and reduce the chances of severe morning sickness. Especially in cases of conception after infertility we recommend you continue treatment one time per week until the 12th week of pregnancy when the chance of miscarriage is greatly decreased.