People of all ages suffer from anxiety disorders, which are highly prevalent mental health conditions. A natural and effective way to lessen anxiety symptoms is through traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Phobia-Related Disorders, and Separation Anxiety are some of the subtypes of anxiety disorders that doctors identify.
The following are some of the most prevalent signs of anxiety:
Each person will exhibit their an own set of symptoms and sensations.
According to one TCM theory on anxiety, a person may have too much energy, also known as heat or energy (Qi), in their mind. Like other types of mental disease, anxiety disorders are debilitating. They are not caused by character defects, personal weaknesses, or issues with upbringing. But the specific source of anxiety problems is unknown to academics. They believe a number of variables are at play:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long recognised the interconnectedness of human mental, emotional, and physical experiences. Depression and anxiety are seen in Chinese medicine as disturbances of the shen, sometimes known as our “spirit.” Herbs, massage, and acupuncture are all effective treatments for sadness and anxiety.
With fewer adverse effects than pharmaceuticals, acupuncture is an efficient therapy for anxiety. The goal of traditional Chinese medicine is to rebalance the body’s organs and systems by seeing anxiety as an issue caused by an unbalanced emotional state.
Depending on where needles are inserted, acupuncture can activate the area of the brain that regulates emotions, including anxiety, or it can trigger the body’s innate ability to repair itself. In other words, it helps the neurological system find equilibrium, which reduces the symptoms of stress and anxiety.
According to reports, acupuncture frequently produces positive outcomes after just one or two sessions. Results and the amount of sessions will, however, vary from person to person, just like with any treatment.
Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat sadness and anxiety, and it is still widely used in both Eastern and Western civilizations today. Both health professionals and people suffering from mental health issues are searching for natural treatments for anxiety and depression to help lessen the symptoms of their anxiety in a holistic and well-rounded way.
Call us today to learn more.
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Toronto
901 Yonge Street, Unit 202
Toronto ON M4W 2H2
416 968 7755
Qi Herbs & Acupuncture Markham
8339 Kennedy Rd, Unit 2629
Markham ON L3R 1J5
647 388 6232